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PolyBloks by PolySteel






ICF Made Simple.

Vertical and horizontal

PolybBlok ICF concrete forms have precision made vertical/horizontal tongue and groove joints. These facilitate easy and accurate installation of every ICF block wall and stop water penetration.

Easy to install

The tongue and groove joints are simple to use and easily cleaned after concreting with a paint brush and water. Many ICF systems incorporate square indentation in the horizontal joints that are difficult to clean of concrete to ensure that the next course fits properly.


Grey Neopor

The materials used in the EPS panels of our ICF block is Grey Neopor. This consists of many small pockets of air in a polymer matrix containing graphite. Graphite reflects radiant heat energy like a mirror, increasing the material’s resistance to the flow of heat. Most foams slow the movement of heat more as the temperature differential decreases. However, Neopor is unique because it reduces heat loss more as the temperature outside drops.


Eliminate condensation or mould

Our insulated concrete forms do not transmit moisture by capillary action leading to minimal risk of condensation or mould. PolyBloks incorporate closed-cell foam offering higher resistance to moisture infiltration.

Vapour barrier

They do not lose their insulating properties when drying out after being wet. The insulation and reduced air movement reduces moisture accumulation due to temperature differentials and actually acts like a vapour barrier.

High tensile wire

ICF PolyBloks use 3mm high tensile wire spaced 150mm apart. Many ICF systems use plastic ties spaced 200mm apart, allowing more movement of the ICF blocks during concreting. The welded steel wire grids in our insulated concrete blocks provide:
– extreme rigidity
– minimal resistance to concrete flow (resulting in better compaction & high quality concrete)
– minimise shrinkage cracking in the concrete
– increase effective U value by 11% (see more on Thermal Mass)

Strong fixing plates

Vertical anchor plates (or ferrule strips) lie 10mm below the surface of the EPS. This allows easy fixing of both propping timbers and any interior or exterior wall finishes with self-tapping screws. The 3mm thick steel plate provides a far stronger fixing than a plastic system. Propping timbers for concreting and heavy kitchen cabinets can be securely fixed directly to the wall.


Rigid connection

The steel ties (or webs) allow the ICF concrete forms to be fixed together with steel clips at each edge. This holds every ICF block rigidly against its neighbour to reduce the risk of “blow out” during concreting. The clips are easily slotted over the ties at the end of each block (x1 top and x1 bottom).

This is particularly effective at the corners of building as this is where most problems occur during the concreting of ICF walls.

Metric Measurements.

The ICF PolyBlok module size is 1200mm x 600mm. We believe this to be the optimal size to minimise onsite cutting and offer maximum flexibility for architectural design.




Water Resistance.

PolySteel Construction System.


The PolySteel Installation manual provides illustrated details showing how to prop and concrete ICF blocks during construction. We use scaffolding to brace the ICF blocks during concreting and provide a completely safe concreting access platform. This avoids the need for temporary propping systems that are potentially unsafe for inexperienced users. And may not comply with the HSE rules for working platforms.

Reinforced Concrete

ICF PolyBloks are particularly suitable when reinforcement is required in the wall thanks to their rigidity. This is due to the compounding effect of tongue & groove joints (vertical/horizontal), steel ties and interlocking clips. Indeed, PolyBloks allow the concrete to be vibrated by a “poker” to ensure that adequate bonding occurs between the concrete and steel bars. This ensures structural integrity and eliminates the risk of corrosion.


We provide support by telephone, email and on-line meetings throughout the construction process. The simplicity of our insulated concrete blocks and the available support ensures that your Local Builder will be able to construct your ICF home – or you can self-build it.


The simplicity of the PolySteel system allows it to be used by ICF newcomers. However, it is essential that to have ICF construction details that will meet Building Regulation requirements. The Design Services we provide will ensure the Builder has all the information needed to provide a high quality insulated concrete form house.

Quality Controlled UK Manufacture.

PolySteel ICF formwork is provided with a BBA (British Board of Agrément) certificate. Ensuring all buildings incorporating our ICF concrete forms will be accepted by the NHBC (National House Building Council) and similar building insurance schemes.

BBA is the primary organisation for products used in the UK building industry. They regularly perform rigorous inspections and quality controls of all certified products. Building Inspectors may also require to see the certificate before allowing their use.

ICF PolyBloks are also certified for use in basement retaining walls. If you are planning a basement this is fundamentally important as not all ICF Building systems are certified for this type of use.

Although insulated concrete form materials are not heavy, their large volume makes them relatively costly to transport (particularly if coming from abroad). ICF PolyBloks are manufactured in Newport, Wales, which maintains low cost and limits their carbon footprint.

ICF Construction

Call us if you need more detailed information for your ICF project, browse our technical library and FAQs for construction details using Polybloks.