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Self-Build & Custom House Act 2015

What does it mean for you?

How does it work?

The Self-Build and Custom House-Build Act 2015 aims to increase the availability of serviced plots of land for people to build their own homes.

  • Local Registers: Local councils are required to maintain registers of individuals and groups interested in self-building or custom-building homes within their area.
    • Self-Build: Where you purchase the land and build your own house.  
    • Custom Build: Similar to self-build, but facilitated in some way by a developer (e.g., finding a plot, managing construction).  
  • Planning Obligations: Councils must consider the register when making planning decisions and allocating land for development. This encourages them to include provisions for self-build and custom-build plots in their local plans.  
  • Increased Opportunity: The Act aims to ensure that a reasonable number of suitable serviced plots are made available for people on the register.  

Key Points:

  • Focus on Demand: The Act is driven by the demand shown on the local registers.  
  • Local Variation: The specific implementation and impact of the Act can vary between local authorities.
  • Limited Guarantee: The Act doesn’t guarantee that individuals on the register will be able to secure a plot.

To find out more:

  • Contact your local council: They can provide specific information about their register and how the Act applies in your area.
  • Visit the Government website: You can find general information and guidance on the Act there.

Polysteel hopes that you find this useful – the more people that register the more plot should  be made available.

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